



This Code of Ethics is part of the Ruless  of Use and Procedures in force at GLOBAL INVESTMENT TRADING  S.A in abbreviated  GIT or any other regulations and agreement still in use. By him, each  member and Leader  Platiniun, Diamond or Coach is indebted to the company in relation to its brand image. Any serious violation of this Code or the company's regulations and procedures, or the regulations and agreements in force, will be the subject of proceedings by  GIT in accordance with these same Regulations and procedures. Global Investment Trading expects all members  and  Leaders  Platiniun, Diamond  or  Coach to respect the principles of fairness, morality and integrity in all their professional relations with the MLM LIYEPLIMAL network..

The Code of Ethics describes to members and  Leaders the appropriate conduct they must take in their sponsorship activities.  In addition,  

GIT  encourages all members and  Leaders  Platiniun, Diamond  or  Coach to obtain the Code of Ethics which is provided by  e-mail  and to respect it. Itis imperativethat  members and  leaders comply with the Code of Ethics at all times.

1 Contact and Communications

A  Simple,       Platiniun,Diamond or  Coach:a member) will respect, at any time, the privacy and wishes of the person contacted by telephone or other means;b) will never conduct himself as reprehensible, abusive, unfair or aggressive towards a member of Liyeplimal,in connection with any sponsorshipactivity  concerning one or more other MLM  opportunities;   

(c)will constantly strive to work in proper dress. His language will be the most distinguished and the documents presented of the best possible quality;


2 Presentation of opportunities

A Simple,  Platiniun, Diamond  or  Coach member is a golden brand and successimage by Global Investment Trading - LIYEPLIMAL, because of this position, it:

(a) will x  never   present  to the x members of liyeplimal the opportunities offered by an MLM company based on new digital assets,  except those relating to different products and services other than digital assets;   

(b)will not provide false information about the expected financial gains under the    Liyeplimal Compensation Plan - GIT; 

(c)will not give false information or make misleading statementsabout  the characteristics of the Liyeplimal product or service; 

(d)will not give false information or make misleading statements about the value of  PACKS - Liyeplimal; 

(f)will not do anything that could mislead someone as to the nature,  operation,characteristics, use or quality of Liyeplimal product.


A Simple Member,  Platinium, Diamond or Coach should not:a) approach on behalf of or on behalf of another network marketing company based on MLM digital assets of any kind;b) disclose confidential information to unauthorized persons, or for unauthorized or unethical reasons;c) discuss the financial aspect of the business of other  Leaders ;d) encourage another  leader to change MLM  sponsorship;   

e) encourage or encourage others to practice theMLM network do uble or disinterest in Liyeplimal  through communication channels, venues and events belonging to GIT.


Simple, Platinum, Diamond  and  Coach members have the right to:

a) to require in writing  that  GIT assign them the benefits and benefits provided for in their transition from a lower level to the higher level. If they are refused, they can take legal action against the promised benefits or benefits;

b) to be treated equally; however, Leaders  Platinium, Diamond and Coach receive outstanding benefits  and distinctions;  ;

c) attend training seminars on the LIYEPLIMAL product;


A Simple, Platinum, Diamond or Coach member may be subject to corrective and disciplinary action, up to the withdrawal or cancellation of the LIYEPLIMAL platform account,in accordance with theGuidelines for Corrective and Disciplinary Measures in force within GIT - LIYEPLIMAL, if  the so-called member is a violation of the  Code. A  Simple,  Platinum  or Coachmember who does not comply with the Code could have his contractterminated or not renewed  depending on the seriousness of the wrongdoing.. 

However, it  is strictly forbidden for members Simple, Platinium, Diamond or Coach of Cameroon to seduce or woo by any means, one or more members of LIYEPLIMAL and present them with other MLM opportunities  relating to digital or crypto-active assets.

Any Simple, Platinum, Diamond or Coach member is bound by the principle of integrity  in the LIYEPLIMAL MLM system,which principle is a foundation of personal and professional success and development.  

Sanctions are various in Cameroon:  

- Cancellation of all sponsorship earnings or commissions: This is applied when a Simple, Platinum, Diamond or Coach member develops a different  MLM network than LIYEPLIMAL,except for an MLM on products and services other than digital assets;  

- The withdrawal or cancellation of the account of the LIYEPLIMAL platform:  this sanction is applied in  case  of a known infringement of the company's image and the evocation of LIYEPLIMAL in a competitive and unfair manner in comparison to the company MLM;

Depending on the assessment of the facts and other elements of fairness and justice, GIT-LIYEPLIMAL  reserves the right to sanction according to the réserve  cases  in conjunction with the disciplinary council that it has set up,  thus considering that the contract is the law of the parties.

In addition, certain breaches of the company's image and compliance with the Code may open up personal legal proceedings.

Below mentioned the DELARATION ON HONOR notified to  the members Simple,  Platinium, Diamond and Coach, then introduced in the terms and conditions of use of LIYEPLIMAL.



"Business morality begins with ME, the Leader. As a member of Liyeplimal, I am committed to...

be honest and fair in my dealings  with  LIYEPLIMAL - GIT;

carry out all my MLM activities in order to develop my reputation and promote the good reputation established by  LIYEPLIMAL - GIT;

Set out the Compensation Plan accurately and honestly, clearly describing the level of effort required to succeed;

present only realistic revenue estimates, indicating the need to make appropriate efforts;

Present the profits and information about the sponsorshipactivity,in accordance with the company's official documentation and through my own experience;

Accept and perform as much as possible all the tasks expected of a leading member  and a Godfather, including training and helping the  downlines  of my organization;

comply with all regulations and procedures thatconfer the LIYEPLIMAL service or product;

make sure my downlines  are satisfied with my services and my conduct;

answer the candidates' and downlines' questions and requests fairly and  honestly;

sponsor only the people I have mentored, from my own downlines  and/or  prospects;  

Always encourage prospects to ask their original referents to be their sponsor;

explain clearly that LIYEPLIMAL - GIT  is on the one hand an investment opportunity with exceptional profitability and on the other hand a network marketing opportunity and that my income depends on the qualitiesof affiliation  and leadership, as well as my personal efforts;

Treat all prospects  and  downlines with respect, benevolence and professional courtesy;

Do not encourage downlines  outside my sponsorship network to join my  liyeplimal network or another  organization;

Do not represent the activities of LIYEPLIMAL - GIT in any negative way;  

Not using an advertisement that I know is misleading or misleading;

Be fair and fair to my prospects  and  downlines and not engage in practices that could give an unfavorable image of myself, my network and  the enterprise;

adopt behavior that demonstrates a high level of integrity, honesty and responsibility, as I am aware that my activities as a  Simple, Platinum,  Diamond and/or Coach member with  LIYEPLIMAL - GIT will have  long-term effects;

do not create an unsealed or illegal website that would damage the image of LIYEPLIMAL - GIT  and its agencies.

This is my promise and commitment to myself, my network and my Company LIYEPLIMAL - GIT. »